PhytoSaccharides Formulation

The Metabole PhytoSaccharide formula provides a potent source of saccharide-rich plant extracts and herbs that are known to stimulate the immune system and help with the manufacturing of glycoproteins and glycolipids.

The formula also provides micro-nutrients such as vitamin C and magnesium that are required for optimal functioning of the immune system, as well as specific ingredients such as carnosine and green tea extract that are known to stimulate the proliferation of the immune system stem cells.

Metabole PhytoSaccharide formula helps to restore impaired immune function which can benefit the following conditions:

  • Persons with chronic infectious disease.
  • Individuals with tumours or undergoing chemo and radiation therapy.
  • Persons of 40 years or older where natural ageing slows the immune response.
  • Geriatric patients and others with a compromised immune system.
  • Persons affected by an extra source of free radical production such as exposure to excessive sunlight or electromagnetic radiation (cell phones, microwave towers).
  • Persons who exercise excessively.
  • Persons under extreme physical or emotional stress in which the immune system is suppressed.

Like all Metabole products, our PhytoSaccharide capsules contain NO artificial ingredients.

Metabole PhytoSaccharide contains 117g formula. Also available in capsule form.


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Saccharides (any of a series of sweet-tasting carbohydrates, especially a simple sugar or an oligomer or polymer of simple sugars; derived from the Greek “sakchar”, meaning sugar or sweetness) or sugars such as sucrose (table sugar), fructose and glucose are the best known for their use as sweeteners and ready source of energy. But sugars play a far greater role than that of only providing energy to the cell and body as a whole.

Firstly, sugars such as glucose (a monosaccharide or single sugar)can be joined together to form long chains of polysaccharides which have a stimulatory effect on the immune system. Polysaccharides such as mannan(a polymannose) in Aloe-vera, for example, activate the immune response by binding to special receptor sites on the macrophages or killer cells of the immune system. Macrophages activated in this way not only recognize and kill non-specific tumour cells and remove foreign debris from circulation but also produce specific cytokines which stimulate and regulate the immune system, as well as boosting bone marrow production, the source of white blood cells in the body.

Individuals, who have a compromised immune defence system because of ageing and other factors, such as chronic infection or poor nutrition, may be susceptible to the following problems: arthritis, reduced wound healing capacity, increased incidence of all kinds of viral, fungal, and bacterial infections, increased incidence of cancer, as well as reduced bone marrow proliferation with resulting lowered white cell counts and anaemia.

Secondly, sugars can also attach to amino acids (protein) to form glycoproteins or attach to lipids (fats) to form glycolipids. In glycoproteins, sugars form an integral component of cell membranes or form a component of the surface coat. Glycoproteins have a variety of important roles and are associated with receptor proteins, transport proteins, cell adhesion proteins, growth control proteins and cell recognition proteins. Glycolipids are abundant in the brain and nervous tissue and defects in their metabolism can result in serious physiological conditions (Gaucher’s disease, Tay-Sachs disease).

The Metabole PhytoSaccharide formula provides a potent source of saccharide-rich plant extracts and herbs that are known to stimulate the immune system and help with the manufacture of glycoproteins and glycolipids. The formula also provides micro-nutrients such as vitamin C and magnesium that are required for optimal functioning of the immune system, as well as specific ingredients such as carnosine and green tea extract that are known to stimulate the proliferation of the immune system stem cells.

In summary, the Metabole PhytoSaccharide formula helps to restore impaired immune function which can benefit the following conditions:

  • Persons with chronic infectious disease.
  • Individuals with tumours or undergoing chemo and radiation therapy.
  • Persons of 40 years or older where natural ageing slows the immune response.
  • Geriatric patients and others with a compromised immune system.
  • Persons affected by an extra source of free radical production such as exposure to excessive sunlight or electromagnetic radiation (cell phones, microwave towers).
  • Persons who exercise excessively.
  • Persons under extreme physical or emotional stress in which the immune system is suppressed.

Like all Metabole products, our PhytoSaccharides formulation contains No artificial ingredients.

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