With Over 20 Years of Experience and more than 20,000 success stories on Record, you can trust us to guide you on your journey to total natural health

We help people who suffer from degenerative health challenges or irregular metabolic conditions by using the Metabole approach.

Examples are cancer, hyperactivity, cholesterol, heart disease, blood pressure, pre-menstrual syndrome, auto-immune dysfunction, etc.

We Offer the following Wellness Services

Naturopathic consultations,

Nutritional therapy

Natural wellness supplements

Lifestyle planning

Metabole is a manufacturer, stockist, broker, and researcher of wellness products.

Here are three reasons our products are better than most other brands:


Did you know sugar COUNTERACTS the effect of supplements? Let’s take magnesium as an example… For every sugar molecule that enters your body, you need 54 magnesium molecules to process the sugar. Do you see the problem? If you take a magnesium supplement with added sugar, your body immediately uses up the magnesium you just filled it up with in order to process sugar from the same source. It’s a vicious, unhealthy circle. Sugar has been linked with many diseases and continues to be a silent killer due to misinformation to the general public. Our nutriments contain only natural active ingredients to give your body the nutrition it needs.

“Sugar is the sociopath of foods. It acts sweet… but it’s really poison.”

- Karen Salmansohn


By using only a superfood base, we have eliminated the harmful preservatives normally found in supplements, and changed the nutritional format from a highly artificial one to one that is found in wholesome foods. Even our capsules are made from nutritional vegetable material.



On average, normal food supplements contain 700 times more artificial additives than active ingredients. Think about that for a moment… Every time you take a supplement you are consuming more binders, fillers, coatings, colourants, and flavourants than active ingredients. As with sugar, all these artificial additives counteract the reason for taking supplements in the first place!

Metabole nutriments contain all the nutritional benefits of the wholesome foods to which we are naturally adapted. It provides the necessary vitamins and minerals needed to keep all the biochemical pathways in our bodies functioning optimally, thus ensuring optimal natural health and vitality.

" I don't need the fillers, additives, excessive amounts of sugars, fats, salts and other measures taken to taint the natural goodness of real food"

-Mark Hyman

Immunity DiscussionMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
What is a humanMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
HomocysteineMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
AcidosisMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
Folic AcidMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
Q & AMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
Botanical therapiesMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
Post covidMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt
IodineMetabole - Dr Charl du Randt

Don't take our word for it...

See what our patients have to say

I used to live in Paradyskloof amongst the vineyards.  These vines are sprayed every year and has a bad effect on me. I immediately smell if someone has sprayed Doom for example so I have a sensitive nose. Last year again during spraying season I could not dare to walk outside as the result was heavy hayfever with burning and itching eyes. One morning I was caught unaware of the activity in the vines and was surprised when I realized they were spraying poison again. I was trapped as I had to pass that area to get home. This resulted in very severe swolen eyes, and a hayfever attack like never before. I ran home and remembered that Malinda mentioned Glyphofix against allergic reactions. I took 4 capsules and was amazed when 15min later my burny itchy eyes were much better and the hayfever symptoms gone.


Ek is opreg dankbaar want my gesondheid is vir my van kardinale belang. Ek moet gesond wees om iemand te help gesond word. Ek dank ons VADER vir Dr Charl en Malinda se gesondheid,, die gebed van my hart is dat VADER u hulle gesond sal hou en nog baie mooi jare spaar, Want daar buite is sommer nog duisende mense wat liggaamlik en geestelik gesond moet word. Dankbaarheid uit die diepte van my hart Die grootste Dank kom ons VADER toe, want Hy is die 1 wat wysheid en kennis aan ons gee. Alle sterkte op u lewenspad.


My seuntjie was sy lewe lank siek, as baba het hy blou moord gehuil deur die dag en deur nag. Hy was by Pediaters en dokters in en uit. Hy is nou 9 jaar oud en in die 9 jaar het hy gedurig siek geraak. Kinkhoes,asma,kroep. Hy het baie skool gemis aangesien hy gedurig in die hospitaal was. Sy yster was kritiek laag en ons het by die Onkoloog gaan draai. Hy het laaste ‘n virus opgetel wat sy spiere en beenmurg aangetas het. Hy kon vir 2 dae nie loop nie. Ons het gehoor van die Metabole program en hy is tans vir amper 3 maande daarop. Hy het vratte gehad bo op sy naeltjies,onder sy naeltjies en bo op toontjies en onder toonnaeltjies. Dit het verdwyn binne 2 maande. Hy het meer energie,konsentrasie is beter,witbloedtelling het geklim van basies niks na 7. Hy kla nie meer hy is so moeg nie en selfs die skoolwerk gaan makliker as voorheen! Sy immuunstelsel is sterker en is so dankbaar dat Vader ons op Dr. Charl-hulle se pad gestuur het.


“Charl and Malinda are true pioneers for healthy living. The knowledge they have to share is priceless and they have always made me feel that they really care.I believe that Metabole Wellness opened up our eyes and lives for better living.​Metabole Berry Cand Magnesium has become a daily household name for us and I don’t go anywhere without it.“


“When I first went to the Metabole clinic I was extremely exhausted, I felt totally burnt out and fatigued. I had pains all over my body and every day was an extreme challenge to get through the day. Since I have been taking the Metabole supplements recommended by the holistic clinic, my energy has returned and I can get through the day without feeling so exhausted. My job requires a lot of travel, focus and commitment and I am now able to cope better with both my work and at home; and think I am a better person for my family to deal with.


“I would like to thank Malinda and Dr Charl for helping me regain my health after being sick for four months and many trips to the emergency room. It is now six months since my first appointment with Dr Charl and Malinda and all I can say from my heart is thank you so much, I am now so well; I have lost 16 kg, my blood sugar is perfect each day and I am more healthy than twenty years ago. I would urge anyone to please make that appointment as it’s well worth it.“


In 2018 het ek op 38 jarige ouderdom n beroerte gehad. Die plaaslike dokters het my mooi gehelp om te herstel maar die medikasie en oorsaak van beroerte het nie vir my sin gemaak nie. My soeke na antwoorde het my gebring tot by die metabole kliniek. Om eerlik te wees, ek was skepties, maar ek het niks gehad om te verloor nie, maar soveel om te kry. Ek was uit die

veld geslaan met wat my terugvoer was en het besluit om hul program n kans te gee. Ek het hul program tot die nommer gevolg en dit het my leefstyl geword. Ek het 40kg verloor en is vandag 3 jaar nog meer gesond as van tevore. My grootste uitdaging was om my homosistene(oorsaak van beroerte) af te kry tot op die vlak wat dit moet wees. Dit het my 3 jaar geneem. Elke jaar n verbetering gesien. Aanhouer wen! Ek kan getuig dat metabole se produkte en span van hoogstaande gehalte is! Baie dankie vir die pad wat jul met my gestap het en nog steeds sal

stap! Julle is tops!


Testimony of Max Ruben Henstock. 

Max was born via natural virginal birth on the 9th of January 2018. When he was about 4 weeks of age, he was not a very happy baby. Crying most of the day and with lots of tummy pain. (Indigestion) He was exclusively breastfed and we went to a pediatrician for help. HE was put on nexium and other anti-reflux medication to try make it better.

Then we found out about Metabole Natural Healing Clinic and as soon as we could, booked the whole family for consultations. 

When we arrived Mom of Max was advised to remove all dairy from her diet, suggesting that this was the main reason why Max had such a lot of tummy pain. And Max was put on Eco flora right away. Just by dipping his dummy in some of it and putting it into his mouth.

All medication was stopped immediately.  Max was a happy and content baby within the next 24 hours.  It was AMAZING to witness. We are strong believers of no vaccinations. And if you ever meet Max you will see his intelligence and health is at a level

of an unvaccinated children.  The whole family takes Metabole supplements daily and we are so healthy. 

We do not go a day without it. 

Brendon Christmas

Good Day Dr & Mrs du Randt

Just word of thanks for the consultation on sunday, which was very informative and an eye opener. I was truly blessed and am appreciative of your work and your ministry. From the bottom of my heart, a big thank you.

Many Thanks

Brendon Christmas

Danie Scholtz

I just want to take this opportunity and thank you for your successful Metabole Fat Reset Program (HCG). Carina and I went on the program in Oct of 2015. It really changed our lives. Was it easy for us, certainly a big NO. Because we love to do cooking. But will I do it again a certainly big YES. During this time we have learned how to eat less, look at what we consume, and the size of the portions. We do not consume wheat, bread and white food stuff anymore. It is now 17 months that I do not take any sugar or sugar products. Carina is of sodas (Coke) for 5 months now. My weight is the lowest in 20 years. My weight was at 120kg, today I am at 105.4kg. I did tried everything out there to lose weight. My BMI was at 38.5% and it is down 24.5%. My muscle has increased due to gym work. Every day I am looking forward to get up and make that difference. I have so much energy and I love life.

Carina and I will recommend the Metabole Fat Reset Program for anyone. We will be in contact for our next round.

Contact Metabole for new exciting  information about weight management.

While we are delighted with our patient’s success in using the Metabole Fat Reset Program we have never stopped

researching the subject and we are happy to announce that we have found another weight management program which is easier, simpler,and more cost effective. Please contact our office for more information

Nadiema Adams

Good morning Elana.

Thank you for the wonderful work you guys are doing. We as a family are entirely grateful for the wonderful hospitality we received from you guys at the clinic. On behalf of my uncle and his wife I would like to thank Dr Charl and Malinda for everything they do to help everyone that is looking for healing with alternative medicine. It is like all of our eyes opened up .:) :).Riedewaan can't wait to start with his program. I am seeing him later, I have drawn up a chart so that it is easier for his wife to administer all his meds with his diet which he WILL follow to the tee.

Riedewaan will be chatting to you guys himself via WhatsApp if he have any questions.

Thanks again and we will definitely see you again .

Val Ludick

Dear Dr and Malinda

It is with great gratitude I thank you both first for the most wonderful hospitality you have shown us and for the experience of the wonder of wonder intense thorough examination that was done on me a first and something I will never forget. As a health conscious person it was absolutely a wonderful experience. I am well on the road to getting back to the life I was use to with added knowledge to pursue this life I enjoy, living what God intended for us to live. I am slowly cutting out the dairy products and feeling already much better. There is a bit of light headaches but I guess the toxins are working out.

I am trusting God, so I don't see why I must continue filling my body with poison. I will not allow stress from outside to invade my body again. I will not give the evil one space to invade where he doesn't rule, for God sits on my throne, the One who provides and who protects me. I give Him all the praise and Glory. I pray God will continue to bless the wonderful work you are doing and I will continue to keep up with the program liking the healthy lifestyle. Once again thank you so very much,



To the Metabole Team

I take the opportunity to sincerely thank Dr. Charl du Randt and his lovely wife Malinda for their help and support. I was diagnosed with Carcinoid Cancer and after different referrals from individuals who have been assisted by Dr Charl, I contacted him.

I’m currently about 7 weeks on his program and am doing much better. I was skeptical at first

especially the first 10-13 days and felt extremely sick, but, after that my vitality and overall

health improved drastically.

Thank you Metabole team for your encouragement and assistance. I simply love my new lifestyle.

Elana Basson,

Toe het ek deur ons bure in Struisbaai te hore gekom van Dr Charl Du Randt en hoe sy

program mense gehelp het om genees te word van siektes. Ons het hom besoek, en kon ek

skaars loop om by hom uit te kom. Hy het my toe op sy SCIO masjien gesit wat die toestancj

van my liggaam gelees het. Daarvolgens is ek toe op 'n streng detoks program geplaas, wat

ek tot op die letter gevolg het. Ek het erge detoks simptome ontwikkel soos wat al die

gifstowwe in my liggaam uit gekom het. Na 'n maand het ek sodanig verbeter dat ek kort

entjies kon stap. Binne 6 maande het ek sodanig herstel dat ek weer met my honde kon gaan

stap, met minirnale ongemak, en het die gevoel in my bene ook verbeter .

Ek is VADER ewig dankbaar dat HY beskik het dat ek by hulle kon uitkom sodat ek gesond

kon word.

Over the last 25 years we have returned for consultations whenever it was possible. We have confidently introduced Charl and Malinda, throughout this period, to our family and friends. They are both passionate about teaching us how to live a healthy lifestyle, and have achieved remarkable healings. No 15 minute consultation as with doctors! This is a thorough examination of at least one hour with Charl, followed by consultation with Malinda who explains each aspect of Charl’s readings and importance of supplementation. They are truly a remarkable team!!

Demonised Doctoring

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Dr Charl du Randt and team do travel clinic’s in Cape Town every 2nd month – please let me know if you would like to book an appointment. Next travel clinic is from 29th January 2024 to 10th February 2024 in Plattekloof.

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FREE E-book

Demonised Doctoring

by Dr Charl du Randt